第八品 解脫 vimutta
Vimuttaṃ vā cittaṃ ‘vimuttaṃ citta’nti pajānāti.
When the mind is released, he discerns that the mind is released.
Avimuttaṃ vā cittaṃ ‘avimuttaṃ citta’nti pajānāti.
When the mind is not released, he discerns that the mind is not released.
⑴ Iti ajjhattaṃ vā citte cittānupassī viharati, ⑵ bahiddhā vā citte cittānupassī viharati, ⑶ ajjhattabahiddhā vā citte cittānupassī viharati.
像這樣,⑴ 隨時――在心中,從內六處,如實觀看、發現心;⑵ 隨時――在心中,從外六處,如實觀看、發現心;⑶ 或者,同時――在心中,從內、外六處,如實觀看、發現心。
In this way he remains focused internally on the mind in & of itself, or externally on the mind in & of itself, or both internally & externally on the mind in & of itself.
⑷ Samudayadhammānupassī vā cittasmiṃ viharati, ⑸ vayadhammānupassī vā cittasmiṃ viharati, ⑹ samudayavayadhammānupassī vā cittasmiṃ viharati,
⑷ 隨時――如實觀看、發現心中之集聖諦;⑸ 隨時――如實觀看、發現心中之滅聖諦;⑹ 或者,同時――如實觀看、發現心中之集、滅聖諦。
Or he remains focused on the phenomenon of origination with regard to the mind, on the phenomenon of passing away with regard to the mind, or on the phenomenon of origination & passing away with regard to the mind.
⑺ ‘atthi citta’nti vā panassa sati paccupaṭṭhitā hoti ⑻ yāvadeva ñāṇamattāya paṭissatimattāya ⑼ anissito ca viharati, ⑽ na ca kiñci loke upādiyati.
⑺ 而且,他隨時正念現前:『這是心!』⑻ 修成只有正念和只有觀智之境界;⑼ 此外,無所依止,⑽ 不再執著――身心世界任何事物!
Or his mindfulness that 'There is a mind' is maintained to the extent of knowledge & remembrance. And he remains independent, unsustained by (not clinging to) anything in the world.
Evampi kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu citte cittānupassī viharati.
This is how a monk remains focused on the mind in & of itself.
<Cittānupassanā niṭṭhitā. 觀心念住結束>