☙ 累了嗎?…歇歇腳,歡迎您!清嚐法味、暢飲甘露、一同跟隨,佛陀的腳步走…… Tired? ... Take a rest, you're welcome! Pure taste Dhamma taste, drink nectar, follow with Buddha's footsteps ......
2021年9月7日 星期二
209 當勤精進,折伏汝心 Should Strive Hard To Subdue Your Minds
208 若離慚恥,則失諸功德 If Parted From Shame All Merits Will Be Lost
207 當知諂曲,但為欺誑 Should Know Flattery Is Nothing But Deception
206 汝等大師,若我住世 Your Chief Guide From I Yet Remained In the World
卍 佛說:要皈依自己的五分法身 ➲
➊ 【戒身】是指:正語、正業、正命;
➋ 【定身】是指:正精進、正念、正定;
➌ 【慧身】是指:正見、正思惟;
➍ 【解脫身】是指:正解脫;
➎ 【解脫智見身】是指:正智。
而且,不要皈依他人! ~☸
❦❧ 補充說明──
【解脫身】和【解脫智見身】與八正道合起來,稱為「十無學」。 ❦❧
── 佛曆 2563.3.4(三)修行生活 ──
205 撥無因果的錯誤 Deny the Law of Karma's False Supposition
204 煩惱毒蛇,睡在汝心 Afflictions Are Poisonous Snake Asleep In Your Heart
203 將當牽人,墜於坑埳 Must Soon Drag Man Leading Into A Pit
202 親厚媟慢,皆不應作 Bind Rich Contempt Lacking, All Such Not To Done
201 天上人間,皆悉已度 Both Among Celestials & Men Attained Enlightenment
200 有愧之人,則有善法 He Who Has Fear Of Blame Which Is Good
199 縱此心者,喪人善事 Indulge Mind With Desires & Lose Benefit
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