☙ 累了嗎?…歇歇腳,歡迎您!清嚐法味、暢飲甘露、一同跟隨,佛陀的腳步走…… Tired? ... Take a rest, you're welcome! Pure taste Dhamma taste, drink nectar, follow with Buddha's footsteps ......
2021年9月5日 星期日
191 觀智與覺照 Insight & Understanding
190 欲求寂靜,無為安樂 Seek the Joy Of Quietness and Passivity
189 當念無常之火 Envisage World as Being Consumed by Uncertain Fire
188 求善知識,求善護助 Seek Out a Noble Friend Who Will Best Aid You
187 迷幻藥 Psychedelia
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