2016年8月6日 星期六

「原始佛法」裡所說的空性 ☞ 梵行三災患 The Disaster

梵行三災患 Three Undoing of the Holy Life
《中部經典‧空品‧Mahāsuññatasutta 空性大經》(英譯:Thanissaro Bhikkhu)

    ☆ 梵行煩勞三災患 ➾ ① 煩勞師(阿闍梨)、② 煩勞弟子(內住弟子)、③ 煩勞梵行(梵行者)。

    但是,阿難!① 於此寂靜(梵行),而有(煩勞)阿闍梨之(煩師)災患;
    "This being the case, there is the teacher's undoing,

    ② 於此寂靜(梵行),而有(煩勞)阿闍梨內住弟子之(煩弟子)災患;
    there is the student's undoing,

    ③ 於此寂靜(梵行),而有(煩勞)梵行者之(煩梵行)災患。
    there is the undoing of one who leads the holy life.

    卍        卍        卍

    第一節 ❦   煩勞師災患 The Teacher's Undoing


    "And how is there the teacher's undoing?

    There is the case where a certain teacher resorts to a secluded dwelling: a wilderness, the shade of a tree, a mountain, a glen, a hillside cave, a charnel ground, a forest grove, the open air, a heap of straw.

    While he is living thus secluded, brahmans & householders from town & countryside visit him.

    When they visit him,

    he gets smitten with things that infatuate, falls into greed, and reverts to luxury.

    This is called a teacher undone with a teacher's undoing.

    He has been struck down by evil, unskillful qualities that defile, that lead to further becoming, are troublesome, ripen in pain, and lead to future birth, aging, & death.

    Such is the teacher's undoing.

    卍        卍        卍

    第二節 ❦   煩弟子災患 The Student's Undoing


    "And how is there the student's undoing?

    A student of that teacher, imitating his teacher's seclusion,

    resorts to a secluded dwelling: a wilderness, the shade of a tree... a heap of straw.

    While he is living thus secluded, brahmans & householders from town & countryside visit him.

    When they visit him,

    he gets smitten with things that infatuate, falls into greed, and reverts to luxury.

    This is called a student undone with a student's undoing.

    He has been struck down by evil, unskillful qualities that defile, that lead to further becoming, are troublesome, ripen in pain, and lead to future birth, aging, & death.

    Such is the student's undoing.

    卍        卍        卍

    第三節 ❦   煩梵行災患 Following Holy Life Undoing


    "And how is there the undoing of one who leads the holy life?

    一、  諸佛離欲 Tathagata Arises in the World

    阿難!於此有① 如來出現世間,實是:

    There is the case where a Tathagata arises in the world,

    『② 阿羅漢──應供者、③ 正遍知──正等覺者、④ 明行足者、
    worthy and rightly self-awakened, consummate in knowledge & conduct,

    ⑤ 善逝者、⑥ 世間解者、⑦ 無上士者、
    well-gone, an expert with regard to the world, unexcelled

    ⑧ 調禦丈夫者,⑨ 天人師者、⑩ 佛陀、⑪ 世尊。』
    as a trainer for those people fit to be tamed, the Teacher of divine & human beings, awakened, blessed.

    He resorts to a secluded dwelling: a wilderness, the shade of a tree, a mountain, a glen, a hillside cave, a charnel ground, a forest grove, the open air, a heap of straw.

    While he is living thus secluded, brahmans & householders from town & countryside visit him.

    When they visit him,

    he doesn't get smitten with things that infatuate, doesn't fall into greed, doesn't revert to luxury.

    二、  弟子染著 Student Reverts to Luxury


    A student of that teacher, imitating his teacher's seclusion,

    resorts to a secluded dwelling: a wilderness, the shade of a tree... a heap of straw.

    While he is living thus secluded, brahmans & householders from town & countryside visit him.

    When they visit him,

    he gets smitten with things that infatuate, falls into greed, and reverts to luxury.

    This is called one following the holy life who is undone with the undoing of one who leads the holy life.

    三、  煩梵行者、更生惡趣 He is Even Better Deprivation


    He has been struck down by evil, unskillful qualities that defile, that lead to further becoming, are troublesome, ripen in pain, and lead to future birth, aging, & death.

    Such is the undoing of one who leads the holy life.

    "And in this regard, Ananda, the undoing of one who leads the holy life ripens in more pain, more bitterness, than the teacher's undoing

    or the student's undoing.



    It leads even to the states of deprivation.
    ~《中部經典‧空品‧Mahāsuññatasutta 空性大經》(MN 122, 185-196)

    ── 佛曆 2559.8.6(六)佛子 ──