☙ 累了嗎?…歇歇腳,歡迎您!清嚐法味、暢飲甘露、一同跟隨,佛陀的腳步走…… Tired? ... Take a rest, you're welcome! Pure taste Dhamma taste, drink nectar, follow with Buddha's footsteps ......
2021年9月17日 星期五
256 內觀身心 Vipassana Body and Mind
255 皆是敗壞、不安之相 All Forms Subject To Decay & Followed By Destruction
254 克己復禮 Oneself Stoical & Restore Reverence
253 是故宜應,質直其心 Therefore Right To Examine & Correct Such Mind
⚇⚈ 孔子說:「巧言令色,鮮矣仁!」 ➲
其實這種人是很少有同情心的! ~✁❥
── 佛曆 2563.3.19(四)修行生活 ──
252 為知足者,之所憐愍 Not Contented Are Greatly Pitied By the Contented
251 不知足者,常為五欲所牽 Those Not Contented Constantly Led By 5-Desires
250 牧牛之人,執杖視之 Just As A Cowherd Taking & Showing His Stick
249 不令縱逸,犯人苗稼 Prevents Cows From Entering Another's Field Harvest
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