第一章 眼處 cakkhu āyatana
Idha, bhikkhave, ⑴ bhikkhu cakkhuñca pajānāti, ⑵ rūpe ca pajānāti, ⑶ yañca tadubhayaṃ paṭicca uppajjati saṃyojanaṃ tañca pajānāti,
在這裡,比丘們!⑴ 比丘徹知眼根,⑵ 徹知色塵,⑶ 以及徹知依此二者所產之束縛。
There is the case where he discerns the eye, he discerns forms, he discerns the fetter that arises dependent on both.
⑷ yathā ca anuppannassa saṃyojanassa uppādo hoti tañca pajānāti,
相同地,⑷ 又徹知:『未生之束縛,生起了!』;
He discerns how there is the arising of an unarisen fetter.
⑸ yathā ca uppannassa saṃyojanassa pahānaṃ hoti tañca pajānāti,
相同地,⑸ 又徹知:『已生之束縛,捨離了!』;
And he discerns how there is the abandoning of a fetter once it has arisen.
⑹ yathā ca pahīnassa saṃyojanassa āyatiṃ anuppādo hoti tañca pajānāti.
相同地,⑹ 又徹知:『已捨離之束縛,於未來不再生起!』。
And he discerns how there is no future arising of a fetter that has been abandoned.