➀ 南傳佛教的阿毗達摩,只講「有為法」,漏失掉「無為法」這部份。
➁ 北傳大乘,只講空性、無為,絕口不提如何實踐「八正道」這部份。
── 佛曆 2559.7.19(二)心 法師 啟 ──
卍 卍 卍
Dharma friends:Since ancient times, many Buddhists, not many understand the Dharma, learning the original disciples of the Buddha Dharma, and even fewer.
The reason for the various generations scriptures master, not yet, "Pali Buddhist", perfect for a systematic translation, he was eager to publish his personal Books and Discuss.
Original Buddhism, Theravada Buddhism is not equivalent to ──
Pali is the language of the Buddha saying, "Pali Buddhist" Nature is a classic representative of the original Buddhism.
However, the Theravada Abhidhamma (Abhidharma), there was contrary to "Pali Buddhist" exposition!
Therefore, Theravada Buddhist sects at most only a name, and do not represent the true interest owned by the original Buddhism. (Purport distinct)
As Mahayana Buddhism, not only by the theory, regardless, it is full of the Apocrypha!
In general, a modern version of Buddhist scriptures, leaving only a maximum of half of the original "Pali Buddhist" less than!
What leak lost it?
➀ Theravada Buddhism Abhidharma, they talk about "promising method" leakage lost "inaction Act" this part.
➁ Mahayana Buddhism, talk about emptiness, inaction, did not mention how to practice "Eightfold Path" this part.
"Pali Buddhist scriptures" web site is being updated, Pali Buddhist scriptures, welcome to browse and download.
We sincerely hope that can be helpful to those disoriented modern disciples of the Buddha!
Blessing, Dharma peace
~ Your Dharma friend Devacitta.
July 19, 2559 Buddhist era.
July 19, 2559 Buddhist era.
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